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Data Analysis with Excel and Python

Analyze, process, and present data like a pro.

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About this course

Excel spreadsheets are used in every business, and working with data in Excel facilitates data comprehension and analyses. However, analyzing, processing, and presenting data with Excel can be time consuming and is not easily automated, especially when using large sets of data or complicated workbooks. This course teaches how to use Excel and Python to analyze, process, and present data. Though we reference “Excel” specifically, this course is largely relevant for other spreadsheet tools, like Google Sheets. 

By learning basic Python skills, you can quickly analyze and manipulate data, automate common tasks on large sets of data files, and present data insights in far less time than using Excel alone.

Note: This course does not reflect the Python in Excel integration.

What you'll learn—and how you can apply it

By the end of this hands-on course, you’ll understand:

  • How Excel is used to analyze, process, and present data.
  • Basic concepts and syntax of Python programming.
  • How Python can be used to access and deliver data in Excel format.

And you’ll be able to:

  • Analyze, process, and present data in Excel.
  • Automate common tasks on Excel data using Python.
  • Apply your knowledge to create automation tools at work and at home.

This training is for you because...

  • You’re an engineer, scientist, or business analyst looking to enhance your data analysis skills.
  • You work with data in Excel.

Prerequisites  What prior knowledge or experience is necessary?

  • Basic familiarity with Excel is helpful.
  • Basic familiarity with Python or programming is also helpful but not necessary.

Recommended Follow-up:


To open Anaconda Notebooks:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on 'Notebooks' from the top navigation menu
  3. Create an account or login if you already have one

Facilitator Bio

Joe Papa is the founder and CEO of TruVersity, a state-of-the-art training and consulting company that helps business leaders and their employees reach their true potential. He teaches Machine Learning and AI and is a published author of multiple books on PyTorch and Deep Learning. Joe has mentored hundreds of data scientists and has taught 10,000+ students across the world on O’Reilly, Udemy, and Packt. Joe holds an MSEE with >25 years experience in research & development, and has led AI Research teams at Mobile Insights, Booz Allen and Perspecta Labs. You can find him here: Twitter | GitHub.

Questions? Issues? Contact


  • Getting Started with Anaconda Notebooks 00:01:02
  • Overview
  • The Power of Python + Excel 00:08:32
  • Excel Review
  • Overview of Excel 00:08:24
  • Overview of Excel: Continued 00:08:24
  • Using Excel: Data Types, Encoding, and Power Skills
  • Types of Data 00:10:49
  • Encoding Data 00:05:21
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Data 00:06:58
  • Building Your 5 Power Skills in Excel 00:07:30
  • Excel Review Quiz
  • Using Excel: Storing, Cleaning, and Analyzing Data
  • Store and Access Data 00:08:59
  • Clean Data: Missing Data 00:13:19
  • Clean Data: Wrong Format, Incorrect Data, and Duplicate Data 00:12:03
  • Data Cleaning Exercise 00:02:50
  • Analyze Data 00:09:00
  • Advanced Data Analysis Tools 00:06:16
  • Data Analysis Exercise 00:07:13
  • Using Excel: Modeling and Presenting Data
  • Model Data 00:03:42
  • Present Data 00:08:43
  • Presenting Data Exercise 00:04:57
  • Using Excel: Summary 00:04:07
  • Python Overview
  • Why Use Python? 00:06:37
  • Review of Python 00:15:02
  • Python Exercise 00:08:50
  • Using Excel with Python
  • Automating Excel Tasks with Python: Store and Clean Data 00:08:25
  • Automating Excel Tasks with Python: Analyze Data 00:08:04
  • Analyzing Data in Python Exercise 00:04:58
  • Automating Excel Tasks with Python: Model and Present Data 00:07:44
  • Presenting Data with Python Exercise 00:04:42
  • Overview of ChatGPT 00:05:21
  • Using Excel with Python Summary 00:03:02
  • Wrap-Up
  • Conclusion 00:02:10
  • End of Course Survey
  • Course Completion

About this course

Excel spreadsheets are used in every business, and working with data in Excel facilitates data comprehension and analyses. However, analyzing, processing, and presenting data with Excel can be time consuming and is not easily automated, especially when using large sets of data or complicated workbooks. This course teaches how to use Excel and Python to analyze, process, and present data. Though we reference “Excel” specifically, this course is largely relevant for other spreadsheet tools, like Google Sheets. 

By learning basic Python skills, you can quickly analyze and manipulate data, automate common tasks on large sets of data files, and present data insights in far less time than using Excel alone.

Note: This course does not reflect the Python in Excel integration.

What you'll learn—and how you can apply it

By the end of this hands-on course, you’ll understand:

  • How Excel is used to analyze, process, and present data.
  • Basic concepts and syntax of Python programming.
  • How Python can be used to access and deliver data in Excel format.

And you’ll be able to:

  • Analyze, process, and present data in Excel.
  • Automate common tasks on Excel data using Python.
  • Apply your knowledge to create automation tools at work and at home.

This training is for you because...

  • You’re an engineer, scientist, or business analyst looking to enhance your data analysis skills.
  • You work with data in Excel.

Prerequisites  What prior knowledge or experience is necessary?

  • Basic familiarity with Excel is helpful.
  • Basic familiarity with Python or programming is also helpful but not necessary.

Recommended Follow-up:


To open Anaconda Notebooks:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on 'Notebooks' from the top navigation menu
  3. Create an account or login if you already have one

Facilitator Bio

Joe Papa is the founder and CEO of TruVersity, a state-of-the-art training and consulting company that helps business leaders and their employees reach their true potential. He teaches Machine Learning and AI and is a published author of multiple books on PyTorch and Deep Learning. Joe has mentored hundreds of data scientists and has taught 10,000+ students across the world on O’Reilly, Udemy, and Packt. Joe holds an MSEE with >25 years experience in research & development, and has led AI Research teams at Mobile Insights, Booz Allen and Perspecta Labs. You can find him here: Twitter | GitHub.

Questions? Issues? Contact


  • Getting Started with Anaconda Notebooks 00:01:02
  • Overview
  • The Power of Python + Excel 00:08:32
  • Excel Review
  • Overview of Excel 00:08:24
  • Overview of Excel: Continued 00:08:24
  • Using Excel: Data Types, Encoding, and Power Skills
  • Types of Data 00:10:49
  • Encoding Data 00:05:21
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Data 00:06:58
  • Building Your 5 Power Skills in Excel 00:07:30
  • Excel Review Quiz
  • Using Excel: Storing, Cleaning, and Analyzing Data
  • Store and Access Data 00:08:59
  • Clean Data: Missing Data 00:13:19
  • Clean Data: Wrong Format, Incorrect Data, and Duplicate Data 00:12:03
  • Data Cleaning Exercise 00:02:50
  • Analyze Data 00:09:00
  • Advanced Data Analysis Tools 00:06:16
  • Data Analysis Exercise 00:07:13
  • Using Excel: Modeling and Presenting Data
  • Model Data 00:03:42
  • Present Data 00:08:43
  • Presenting Data Exercise 00:04:57
  • Using Excel: Summary 00:04:07
  • Python Overview
  • Why Use Python? 00:06:37
  • Review of Python 00:15:02
  • Python Exercise 00:08:50
  • Using Excel with Python
  • Automating Excel Tasks with Python: Store and Clean Data 00:08:25
  • Automating Excel Tasks with Python: Analyze Data 00:08:04
  • Analyzing Data in Python Exercise 00:04:58
  • Automating Excel Tasks with Python: Model and Present Data 00:07:44
  • Presenting Data with Python Exercise 00:04:42
  • Overview of ChatGPT 00:05:21
  • Using Excel with Python Summary 00:03:02
  • Wrap-Up
  • Conclusion 00:02:10
  • End of Course Survey
  • Course Completion