Introduction to Python Programming: Rules

Learn to read, write, and solve real-life problems with Python.

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About this course

In Python, control flow refers to the order in which statements are executed, and conditional statements or rules allow you to make decisions and execute specific code blocks based on certain conditions. This course will cover if, else, and elif conditional statements.

This course is part of the ten course series in the Introduction to Python Programming learning path.


  • Course Preparation
  • How to Use Anaconda Notebooks
  • Setup Instructions
  • Rules
  • Rules: if 00:07:15
  • Rules: else and else if (elif) 00:04:21
  • Rules: Encapsulate + Challenges 00:09:59

About this course

In Python, control flow refers to the order in which statements are executed, and conditional statements or rules allow you to make decisions and execute specific code blocks based on certain conditions. This course will cover if, else, and elif conditional statements.

This course is part of the ten course series in the Introduction to Python Programming learning path.


  • Course Preparation
  • How to Use Anaconda Notebooks
  • Setup Instructions
  • Rules
  • Rules: if 00:07:15
  • Rules: else and else if (elif) 00:04:21
  • Rules: Encapsulate + Challenges 00:09:59