Introduction to Python Programming: Functions

Course 6 of 15 in Skill Path: Data Science On-Ramp

Learn to read, write, and solve real-life problems with Python.

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About this course

A Python function is a block of organized, reusable code designed to perform a specific task or a set of related tasks. Functions provide a way to structure your code into smaller, manageable pieces, making it easier to read, understand, maintain, and reuse. This course will cover the basics of Python functions, as well as how to create and use functions.

This course is part of the ten course series in the Introduction to Python Programming learning path.


  • Course Preparation
  • How to Use Anaconda Notebooks
  • Setup Instructions
  • Functions
  • Functions: Using and creating functions and return 00:07:04
  • Functions: Anatomy of a function and arguments 00:08:59
  • Functions: Default arguments and docstrings + Challenge 00:06:30
  • Functions: Lambda functions and filter 00:07:32
  • Functions: Map and reduce 00:05:53
  • Functions: *args, **kwargs + Challenge 00:05:36

About this course

A Python function is a block of organized, reusable code designed to perform a specific task or a set of related tasks. Functions provide a way to structure your code into smaller, manageable pieces, making it easier to read, understand, maintain, and reuse. This course will cover the basics of Python functions, as well as how to create and use functions.

This course is part of the ten course series in the Introduction to Python Programming learning path.


  • Course Preparation
  • How to Use Anaconda Notebooks
  • Setup Instructions
  • Functions
  • Functions: Using and creating functions and return 00:07:04
  • Functions: Anatomy of a function and arguments 00:08:59
  • Functions: Default arguments and docstrings + Challenge 00:06:30
  • Functions: Lambda functions and filter 00:07:32
  • Functions: Map and reduce 00:05:53
  • Functions: *args, **kwargs + Challenge 00:05:36