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What Is Git and GitHub?

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About this course

In this one-hour course, you'll learn about git and git basics, usage of GitHub and GitHub features. 

Prerequisites: None

Note: Please disregard mentions of "Module 3," as this course was originally used in a larger Package Building learning path. If you're interested in the registering for the full Package Building path, let us know at so we can evaluate demand for a future offering. 


  • Introduction to Git 00:15:27
  • Git Basics 00:21:36
  • Git Tree 00:15:25
  • Github Features 00:05:35
  • Homework Assignment

About this course

In this one-hour course, you'll learn about git and git basics, usage of GitHub and GitHub features. 

Prerequisites: None

Note: Please disregard mentions of "Module 3," as this course was originally used in a larger Package Building learning path. If you're interested in the registering for the full Package Building path, let us know at so we can evaluate demand for a future offering. 


  • Introduction to Git 00:15:27
  • Git Basics 00:21:36
  • Git Tree 00:15:25
  • Github Features 00:05:35
  • Homework Assignment